"You see, the isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length, leaving one irregular. It is my firm belief that that when the regular has been accounted for; the irregular must now take center stage." - Mogwai Vunderkind
It was my self doubt in all it's macabre glory. Taunting me. Daring to me give a reason why I believe myself to be so different. Why do I believe that my fate is bound for greater heights, beyond the mundane existence of the average person? How do I know for certain that one day I won't look myself in the mirror and realize that I am just like everyone else. Bones, blood, and flesh. Doomed to spend my entire life chasing something that will never end. Worshipping a god that either doesn't exist or doesn't care.
My answer then was simple; everything and everyone is boring. The monotony of life, the acceptance of fate as a preordained destiny, the reluctance to see the truth, the longing for death as an escape from the banality of existence - all of it is incredibly dull, uninspiring. The standard pattern of life - education, employment, marriage, procreation, death. Fall in love. Lose someone dear to you. Hate someone. Suffer pain. It is a tedious routine, devoid of true passion and purpose. Boring. Boring. Boring. The whole lot of it.
But I have read too many stories, too many tales of heroes and villains, love and loss - to be satisfied with the ordinary. These stories have taught me that life can be so much more than what it appears to be on the surface. They have shown me that it is possible to triumph against all odds, to find joy and meaning in the darkest of times, to be a hero or a villain in your own right. I learnt never to confuse what is with what ought to be. Confuse reality with potentiality.
Life is boring. Billions of people lead uneventful lives, yearning for death as an escape from the mundanity and monotony. But it ought not to be. And mine won't be that. The life I intend to live is the one legends are made of. The story you'll tell your children over the campfire to teach them nothing is impossible. But they will laugh at you, because it is impossible for a human to live such a life. I will be the irregular side of the Isosceles.
I will live a life worthy of legends, a tale to be told around the campfire, to show that nothing is impossible. Some may scoff, for they believe that it is impossible for a human to lead such a life. But I will prove them wrong. I am The Boy Who Is Infinite, and I refuse to accept the ordinary. I will seek adventure, test the limits of my capabilities, and live life to its fullest. I will leave my mark on the world, creating a legacy that will inspire others to do the same. I will not be just another person existing in a dull reality, but rather, I will be someone who dared to dream and made that dream a reality. I will be INFINITE.
Aexande 🥀
I feel like the whole. World is against my opinion. I know I’m struggling with life,begging for love and attention. I hope i know how to protect my peace