The world revolves around you.
You had dreams when you were young. But you grew older and learn to compromise. You accept the reality of life that some things are simply out of reach for you. Why? You have no idea. All you know is the sarcasm in their voice when you told them how much you want to be a world-renowned magician. The sneer they made as you turned your back after telling them one day your comic books will be published.
You also can’t forget how they laughed at your face when they learnt your dream is to live a simple life. No history making achievements, no butt-load of money in your account. “You can’t even dream big; you just want a boring life”. And that was how everything changed. Your dreams aren’t yours anymore, because they are changed to what is considered acceptable by the world. Now you don’t want to become a magician, becoming a lawyer is enough. You don’t care about comic books any more, you’re already raking in money from fraud. A simple life doesn’t seem satisfactory again, now all you desire is to be on Forbes’ list.
And your true dreams become what you can only have when your eyes are closed and your mind transported to another reality. Destined to be miserable for as long as chase your false dreams, you finally accept that some things are out of reach for people like you. The world doesn’t revolve around you so you can’t have it all.
“People like us don’t get to take risk; we have to settle for what we can get”. “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush”. “The world does not work like that” Contentment. The lie that has smothered many dreams to their death. The Bible, The Quran, a whole host of religious text telling you that asking for more is immoral. What are morals? Nothing but Man’s feeble attempt at keeping himself tamed. Who else but Man will choose social acceptance at the risk of his dreams dying.
“The world doesn’t revolve around you!” Oh, but it does.
No one feel the gentle breeze on their face the way you do, no one has ever lived life the way you and nor will anyone ever do that, no one experience the world the way you do, and that makes you the center of the world. It revolves around you and your dreams. Constantly begging you to ask for more, you go for more, to not allow your dreams being stolen all in the name of being realistic. After all, what is life if not an illusion we created for our self?
I am at the center of my world and as such it revolves around me.
“…. I am the center of my Universe, the center of the Universe. And in my extreme anguish I cry, ‘My I, they are stealing my I!”
Don’t let the world steal your I.
Follow your dreams.
The world is yours, to burn or to build.
Awesome….Thank you for this🤲🏾