“Now I ask myself; do I put out the fire in me or burn even brighter?”
I was stupid. For the past couple of months, I’ve made a foolish assumption when it comes to going after your dreams. I assumed it would be easy; not in the you-have-to-work-hard type of easy. Rather how it affects your relationship with people, especially your loved ones.
I never thought about how indebted you feel to people because of how much they sacrificed for you. At what is a pivotal point in your journey, you will realize how different the path they intend for you to take differs so much from the one you want; no, the one you know you must take.
Sometimes, people really do want what’s best for you and if they have a certain power over you; they will be sure to wield it. That doesn’t make them evil or wicked, it simply makes them human who are scared of letting you face the world alone when you’re considerably unprepared. They want you to thrive, but according to their definition of thriving.
They care about you, truly. But, doing what’s best for you is a lie. Decision making is like Schrödinger’s Cat ( Schrödinger stated that if you place a cat and something that could kill the cat; a radioactive atom in a box and sealed it, you would not know if the cat was dead or alive until you opened the box, so that until the box was opened, the cat was in a sense both "dead and alive". ); you never know if it is wrong or right until you see its outcome. When chasing your dreams, it’s a question of who you’re willing to place your bet on; yourself or someone else? And accept the fact that a lot of people will be disappointed in you. Breaking the hearts of your loved ones is an unavoidable part of living the life you want.
The entire world is a bedrock of unpredictable events and the one thing they want for you is stability. In their way, they honestly only want what is best for you. But you really don’t care about that, do you? I mean, it would be nice to have the good things in life and live comfortably except that really isn’t your thing. There is a fire burning inside you. One the threatens to consume everything it lays its eyes on. One that refuses to die until you go after the life you want for yourself. One that doesn’t care about duty, or doing things because of other people. One that cares about one thing and one thing alone; breaking down every barrier the world brings up and redefining what’s possible and what is impossible. This fire doesn’t care about taking the safe route or living a stable life, it thrives on unpredictability. All this fire want is for you to take your destiny and shape it to your heart’s desire. Live a life that defies reality, that’s all it asks.
And there will be an opportunity for you to choose; do you put out the fire or do you let it burn even brighter?
P.S: My first short story will be available by the 7th of October. Really just putting this out to force myself into finishing it…
Anticipating the short story….Goodluck 🫶🏾