To Be Human
Whenever I write, sooner or later, the work takes a life of its own, choosing its own direction (sounds cliché
but it’s true). This evening, I got inspired and decided to write something about hope. About how being human is persevering even in the face of the most terrifying situation, because you have hope. How humanity is simply hope persevering. Sadly, or gladly, that didn’t happen. The words took a life of their own and I ended up writing something slightly terrifying.
P.S: I did not edit this. Straight from the oven😂.
In your opinion, what does it mean to be human?
It’s waking up in the morning, silently wishing you are not awake. That you don’t have to live. It’s picking up your phone and mindlessly scrolling, hoping to numb yourself to the emptiness you feel inside of you. Doing anything to escape the present.
Being human is pushing yourself out of the bed, knowing that there is no escape. You can’t live in your dreams forever, and you are either too scared or too proud to take your life. It’s taking one step after the other, gradually pushing yourself to the bathroom.
Being human is replying; “I’m good, what about you?” to every “How are you?”. Even though, you feel like the worst thing to ever exist. It’s knowing you have to go through another day fervently praying for someone to reach out for you in the ocean you’re drowning in, despite knowing there is no God to answer your prayer.
It is forcing yourself to go through the day without experiencing it. You’re like floating ghost; translucent. Things go through. You go through life without living life. Being human is turning around in your bed by 2AM. Trying once again to numb that feeling that threatens to rip you apart.
Being human is finally getting yourself to sleep with the hope that one day, it will be alright. Knowing that one day, you will wake up and wish you can live forever.
Being human is suffering, silently suffering. And hoping, no. Knowing that one day it will be over. Being human isn’t love. It is not finding your purpose. It is not worshipping God.
Being human is waiting, praying, hoping, and screaming for Death to rescue you from this Hell that is life.
In my opinion, to be human is to spend every minute of your life begging for Death.